Welcome to CoffeeRadar!
Find the perfect coffee, time after time.

The idea for CoffeeRadar started when I fell down the coffee rabbit hole. I can remember trying a single origin at my local cafe and realising just how big the coffee world actually was. COVID and some experiments at home (hello Moka Pot, hello espresso machine) just dug the hole deeper.

Once my brain recovered and the fog cleared (yes, after a coffee), I started to put together a picture of how the industry worked and that 'roasters' were pretty similar to winemakers in shaping what you taste. And those tastes can be all over the place!

The questions that stuck out to me while I was exploring were 'how do I find coffee that I'll like'? Followed pretty quickly by 'how do I know I won't like something else more...'.

And that is what CoffeeRadar hopes to do; introduce you to coffees you didn't know existed by roasters you might not have come across.

The site is pretty bare bones at the moment, but that will change over the next few months as we make it your go-to place for independent information on available coffee. If you have a suggestion or want to reach out, I'd love to chat.

Enjoy the site

Liam Smith

Nov 2021

How we make money

As we launch, CoffeeRadar is completely self funded by me. Over time, there will need to be some type of way for me to make some money from the site to cover those costs and the time I spend. I don't know what that looks like at this point.

I do know that whatever way this occurs will be done honestly, with integrity and in an up-front manner. No monetisation method will ever compromise the independence of the information presented, nor will any personal information ever be sold. Any sponsored/paid content will be visibly identifiable as such, and will be in keeping of the sites tone and objectives.